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Na de droge zomer moet het echt anders (Source:
Salt Farm Foundation’s work has been cited as an example by Financieele Dagblad as an example of how to deal with drought and salinization in the future. Landbouw moet wennen aan zout: ….Onder andere op…
Read MoreMarc van Rijsselberghe pleit voor meer aandacht verzilting: “Zout water is zeker niet per se fout”
Source: Agrio-Agraaf Publication date: 11 August 2018
Read MoreProblematiek verzilting vraagt om meer kennis
Salt Farm Foundation dient Nederlandse boeren van advies Door de lage stand van grond- en rivierwater neemt de dreiging van verzilting sterk toe. Omdat bij het merendeel van de agrariërs de kennis over deze problematiek…
Read MoreSalt Farm visit by United Arab Emirates’ Minister of Food Security & Director General of ICBA
At the invitation of Minister of Agriculture Carola Schouten, a delegation from the United Arab Emirates(UAE) visited several Dutch companies. One of the visits were at the Salt Farm Texel on 18 July 2018. Among…
Read MoreWebinar- Agroport South Ukraine 2018: “Saline Agriculture: a practical solution to a global problem”
On 27 July 2018, together with the Dutch embassy in Ukraine, FAO and Institute of Water Problems and Soil Reclamation of NAAS, we organized a webinar – “Saline Agriculture: a practical solution to a global…
Read MoreThe drought of 2018: Climate change in black and white. How can saline agriculture help?
Extreme weather conditions in Europe has raised concerns for agricultural and dairy output for summer 2018. A record high temperature of between 35 to 40 degrees was recorded in various parts of Europe in the…
Read MoreMinistry LNV and Salt Farm Foundation launch knowledge centre for Saline agriculture to help with food shortage and struggling farmers
An initiative supported by the Dutch Ministry, the knowledge centre – “Saline Agriculture Worldwide” has been set up to share open source knowledge to the farmers around the world. The knowledge centre is targeted towards…
Read MorePersbericht: Ministerie LNV en Salt Farm Foundation lanceren online Kenniscentrum als hulpmiddel tegen voedseltekort en armoede in de wereld
Donderdag 28 juni is in Den Haag op het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit het online Kenniscentrum Zilte Teelten van de Salt Farm Foundation gelanceerd door Drs. A.H. (Aldrik) Gierveld – plv. Directeur-generaal Agro…
Read MoreSalt affected soil unusable? No! Even strawberries can grow on it
Read the article on about the possibilities of growing various crops varieties on Salt-affected soil around the world. You would walk past the fields themselves. Nothing special to see. Just a piece of ploughed plot with…
Read MoreSaline Agriculture know-how travels the world
Read the interview with Bas Bruning on how the knowledge and applications of Saline Agriculture are travelling the world. Interview by Read here
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