
TEDxDenHelder - October 8, 2018: Marc Van Rijsselberghe talks about his work, his vision on solving world food and water problem. Saline agriculture as a solution.

News section in BBC World News/ BBC Four - 2015

Great report of CBS News in the USA. They found 'creative thinking on climate change' at Salt Farm Texel, and made this beautiful news report about our farm.

Ziltproefbedrijf/Salt Farm Texel - Outdoor lab on Texel

In this video (Dutch) our CEO Marc van Rijsselberghe explains the problem of salinization, and talks about our saline solution.

In this video for the Cruquius Medal 2018, Marc van Rijsselberghe explains the story of how and when he started the Salt Farm Texel (Dutch). 

Marc van Rijsselberghe receives the Cruquius Medal of 2018. Watch the video where he receives the award from major Onno Hoes and jury Thomas Rau.

NOS Journal - Salty potatoes (in Dutch)