Saline agriculture:
a practical solution to a global problem
We provide farmers with the means and knowledge of saline agriculture,
in an effort to combat salinization and to improve food security,
with minimal impact on already scarce fresh water supplies
Worldwide, large areas of agricultural land are lost every day due to salinization. Land that is much needed for food production to feed the growing world population.
Salinization of farmland causes crops to fail. Farmers can no longer grow food on their land, which causes famine, poverty and social disruption.
At the moment, 63 Million ha of all irrigated farmland is salt-affected, and this number increases at the rate of 2000 ha per day.
Thousands of farmers around the world are suffering from this problem, the yearly salt damage in crops is about $27 BILLION!
We have developed methods to cultivate salt tolerant crops on salt-affected farmland, something that had always seemed impossible. In addition to (re)using degraded lands to produce food, we also use brackish water instead of fresh water to grow crops.
We produce more food with less water.
Inspiration day on Texel (Activity for CSR)
Are you a corporate and would like to support us as part of your CSR initiative? An inspiration day with our founder and director Marc van Rijsselberghe can be organized on Texel, the Netherlands. Marc will give you an inspiring presentation on the vision of our organisation, and share his ideas on improving global food security through saline agriculture. During the inspiration day, you can also taste the seasonal salty products. For more information, please contact us at
The proceeds from the Inspiration Day will go to the development and sharing of knowledge for farmers around the world. At this moment we are active on Bonaire to set up a knowledge centre where we can test crops and train farmers to produce local food and reduce their dependence on large-scale imports.

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