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Help us spread our knowledge about saline agriculture worldwide!
Our salt farm aims to help people in the developing world to grow crops on saline soils. We believe that everyone has the right to healthy food and that it should not matter where you live. With our expertise and dedication, we want to make a difference in the lives of people facing these challenges. We need your support to continue our work. By supporting us, you help us provide people with the resources and knowledge to grow their own crops and build a sustainable future.
Salt can be a major problem for agriculture because it can build up in the soil and stunt plant growth. This can lead to reduced crop yields and lower crop quality. High salt concentrations in the soil can prevent plants from absorbing enough water, which can lead to dehydration and damage to the root system. In addition, salt can affect the soil structure and disrupt the nutrient balance. Controlling salt in agriculture often requires the use of special irrigation techniques, drainage and/or soil improvement and salt-tolerant crops to maintain soil quality and increase productivity.
Effects of the problem are worldwide
Consecutive droughts spell disaster and hunger for Kenya in 2018.
Millions are already in need of food aid and the situation is expected to worsen
- (2018)
Millions of people across Indonesia are facing failed harvests and a shortage of clean water as a result of worsening drought conditions.
- Strait Times (2017)
“In many countries around the world, farmers are the most affected by droughts and they will move. With their cattle, with their children or whatever… And then… they won’t have many places to go. We have only one planet and they can’t go to space.”
- Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2018)
We have the solution!
"The Salt Farm Foundation, supported by a number of professors from various Dutch universities, offered a report on saline agriculture to the Minister for Agriculture van Dam on Wednesday 22nd of February. The researchers report that a number of important crops are much more tolerant to salt than assumed hitherto."
‘’This has important implications for our water and agricultural policies in the Netherlands and food security in saline regions across the globe, that until now were depreciated for agricultural use’’
- prof. Peter van Bodegom of the Institute of Environmental Sciences CML, Leiden University (2017)
Our Mission:
Our goal is to provide farmers with the means and knowledge of saline agriculture, in an effort to improve food security, with minimal impact on already scarce fresh water supplies. We provide a solution for the adverse consequences of climate change.
A challenging goal, for which we need all the support we can get.
Would you like to help?
You can do so by subscribing to our newsletter, follow us on social media and share our story
Should you wish to become a sponsor of the Foundation, you can contact us at
Inspiration day on Texel (Activity for CSR)
Are you a corporate and would like to support us as part of your CSR initiative? An inspiration day with our founder and director Marc van Rijsselberghe can be organized on Texel, the Netherlands. Marc will give you an inspiring presentation on the vision of our organisation, and share his ideas on improving global food security through saline agriculture. During the inspiration day, you can also taste the seasonal salty products. For more information, please contact us at
The proceeds from the Inspiration Day will go to the development and sharing of knowledge for farmers around the world. At this moment we are active on Bonaire to set up a knowledge centre where we can test crops and train farmers to produce local food and reduce their dependence on large-scale imports.

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