External News
Brandpunt+ : De zilte revolutie
Brandpunt + made a report on our founder and our organisation and was telecasted on a National Dutch television channel on 13 November 2018. It covers how our organisation was founded and how Texel, a small Dutch island became a starting point for world food revolution: Saline agriculture. Watch the full broadcast (in Dutch)…
Read MoreNa de droge zomer moet het echt anders (Source: FD.nl)
Salt Farm Foundation’s work has been cited as an example by Financieele Dagblad as an example of how to deal with drought and salinization in the future. Landbouw moet wennen aan zout: ….Onder andere op Texel en in Bangladesh experimenteert de Nederlandse ‘salt farm foundation’ met het telen van zilte aardappelen en andere zilte groente.…
Read MoreMarc van Rijsselberghe pleit voor meer aandacht verzilting: "Zout water is zeker niet per se fout"
Source: Agrio-Agraaf Publication date: 11 August 2018
Read MoreSalt affected soil unusable? No! Even strawberries can grow on it
Read the article on AD.nl about the possibilities of growing various crops varieties on Salt-affected soil around the world. You would walk past the fields themselves. Nothing special to see. Just a piece of ploughed plot with hills and here and there a pole that protrudes above the ground. Yet this research field at Salt Farm Texel…
Read MoreSaline Agriculture know-how travels the world
Bas Bruning giving a presentation on Do’s & Don’ts of Saline Agriculture to the SalFar project partners – March 2018 on Texel Read the interview with Bas Bruning on how the knowledge and applications of Saline Agriculture are travelling the world. Interview by Rabobank.com. Read here
Read MoreCould Saline Agriculture Be The Solution To Water Scarcity?
Salt Farm Texel and ICCO working together with farmers in countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan to reuse salt affected farmland “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 844 million people lack basic potable water services and, by 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas, posing serious threats to humans…
Read MoreSmart Farmer stories: Marc van Rijsselberghe
Ghana, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Netherlands have one thing in common – Salt-affected soils which are not suitable for agriculture anymore. Read the article by Rabobank.com on how Marc van Rijsselberghe and Salt Farm Texel is trying to help rebuild these soils for agricultural use again. Read the full article here
Read MoreSalt Farm Texel introduces ‘zero water’ vegetables in drought stricken South Africa
South African collective Studio H has organised two ‘zero water’ evening dinners in Cape Town serving fruits and vegetables grown in fields irrigated with saline water. The initiative, known as S/Zout, features food products that emerge from a collaboration between Studio H and Salt Farm Texel, a Netherlands-based enterprise that grows salt-tolerant potatoes, carrots, onions,…
Read MoreFarmer from Texel tries to reduce food shortage with saline agriculture
Entrepreneur Marc van Rijsselberghe is looking for funds for the Salt Farm Foundation in order to reduce food shortage. Marc has extensive experience in organic farming, and says saline agriculture is necessary as ‘98 percent of the water on this planet is salt’. Salinization is the gradual increase of salt in soil or water. This…
Read MoreBreakthrough in food security with Dutch knowledge of Saline Agriculture
Dutch scientists have found a method for growing certain crops on salinized, non-arable farmland. This is truly an innovation since food production on salinized soil has always been considered impossible. It was discovered that specific varieties of potatoes, carrots, red onions, white cabbage and broccoli actually thrive when irrigated in a special way, with salt…
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