Salt Farm Foundation

Salt Farm Foundation was initiated by Marc van Rijsselberghe, an idealistic entrepreneur with extensive experience in organic farming. Our company aims to facilitate saline agriculture in order to solve food shortage, to contribute to poverty reduction and to provide a solution for the adverse consequences of climate change. Salinization of farming land is a fast-growing worldwide problem. Vast areas of formerly arable land are no longer being used, which causes famine, poverty and social disruption.

For this purpose, Marc created a state-of-the-art outdoor lab: a trial field where we can examine the salt tolerance of a variety of crops with great precision. More info about this outdoor lab you can find here. This research has already yielded considerable results. We have discovered many crops, ranging from potatoes and carrots to strawberries and tomatoes, that thrive under saline conditions. Interest in our project is overwhelming in many countries across the world. 

Marc van Rijjselberghe explains about saline agriculture to Minister Carola Schouten.


Salt Farm Foundation has an ANBI status (since 25 October 2016).

Read the policy plan here (Dutch): ANBI Beleidsplan (2019-2028)

Read the statutes here (Dutch): Statuten St. Salt Farm Foundation

Kvk 67161960

RSIN 856855765

Account Number                       NL02 RABO 0313 7772 68

Savings Account Number        NL84 RABO 3036 5252 46


Managing Director/Founder: Marc van Rijsselberghe

Chairman:  L. Janmaat

Treasurer:   T.C. Romijn

Secretary:   Ellen van de Linde 

Open air test fied with 7 different soil salinity concentrations, Texel
Test field on Texel
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