Archive for november 2018
Brandpunt+ : De zilte revolutie
Brandpunt + made a report on our founder and our organisation and was telecasted on a National Dutch television channel on 13 November 2018. It covers how our organisation was founded and how Texel, a small Dutch island became a starting point for world food revolution: Saline agriculture. Watch the full broadcast (in Dutch)…
Read MoreIntroduction of an improved method to identify salt-tolerant crops
Last week the article “An improved methodology to evaluate crop salt tolerance from field trials” by Dutch scientists Prof. dr. Dr. G. van Straten (Wageningen University), Prof. dr. Dr. P.M. van Bodegom (Leiden University), Prof. dr. Dr. J. Rozema (VU University Amsterdam), Dr. ir. A.C. de Vos (Salt Farm Texel) and Dr. B. Bruning (Salt…
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